Aberdeen Uni's Fashion Society for the style savvy student. Don't let the name fool you, we are not 6 foot and read Vogue like the Bible. We like to stay on top of the latest trends in music, art, design and fashion. It's our mission to make Aberdeen just that little bit more fun!

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Confidence Is The New Black

The best fashion tip I have ever stumbled upon and one that I believe is a proverb for every woman, is that confidence is the essential fashion statement . Forget the LBD, forget the comfy yet sexy wedge, and forget the jacket that is perfect for lunch with the girls, yet accessorise it and it magically transforms into evening wear. Confidence has altered my wardrobe more than any fashion icon, seasonal trend or style phase. It can be worn with anything and it affects your outlook on life, your attitude, and the way others respond to you.

As a teenager I was painfully aware of my flaws. I believed my big bum and short stumps for legs were the bane of my existence. My dreams of ever being able to be the next Kate Moss, reach the top shelve in a supermarket, or be referred to as willowy were shattered. The main objective of my wardrobe was to hide the existence of the parts of me I regarded as flawed. This resulted in me running a mile from the words 'skinny fit' or 'body-con', just the thought of getting my bare legs out made me so nervous I had to reapply my deodorant. I tried to keep my colossal backside and amputee legs a secret, and I would stare with envy at girls who had long, lean legs up to their armpits. My mum apologized to me for my genetic misfortune. Then one fateful day when I had just started University, a friend told me I had a good bum. I was immediately confused how a bum big enough to lift weights, could ever be a good thing, yet another friend confirmed comparing it to Beyonce (that was a good day). These compliments made me consider the possibility that the parts of me I loathed, could be traits that others envied. In the same way I would look at my tall friends with rage wishing they could give me some of their height, I discovered that they wished to be petite like me. It also helped that I got into a relationship with a guy who loved my curves and genuinely appreciated my body. This led me to the realization that while I wasn't ever going to be featured on the front cover of Vogue or be mistaken for Emma Watson, my body wasn’t actually that bad. After all it made me unique, flaws and all.

The positive impact from the people around me made a massive effect on my confidence and my wardrobe. My weight hadn’t changed but the way I felt about myself had. I started wearing tighter clothes emphasizing that previously concealed bum. I realized this suited me much more than baggy chinos, which made it look like I was hiding a small child in my trousers. Wearing baggy attire did nothing for my figure except make people question whether I was pregnant or not. Slowly I changed my attitude, you could now tell that I liked my body a lot more as I was no longer petrified of showing off what I had, but I was even celebrating my body. I’m not trying to say to look good you need to wear tight fitted clothes, but I do strongly believe to look good people need to see that you are comfortable within yourself. This might mean accepting your imperfections as opposed to viewing them in the same way one might view an STD, something to be hidden from the world, a dirty secret, and definitely not stylish. Accepting my body and changing my attitude instantly seemed to make myself look and feel better. I realized if I wear my body with confidence and accept it, others will too. You portray yourself as who you want to be and people believe that persona. Your worst feature, guaranteed is another woman’s envy. So accept yourself because you can't trade places. Embrace a confident you and see how it affects your life. People will notice the confidence, no matter how bad your love handles are or how your thighs jiggle. Trust me on this one.

Hayley Anderson

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Channel Your Inner Zen

The 21st century is boring. If you think about it, there is nothing new and original to this century. We model the styles of previous decades, we admire the 50s surfer sound of a new indie band, and we wish we were partying it like it was 1999. How will we remember the days of our youth when we are old?

            Fashion comes and goes in circles, this is not exactly news. Everybody loved the manic 80s during the 80s, and hated it in the 90s. Yet, come the 2000s, skinny jeans and shoulder pads were in again. The same thing is happening with Grunge, maybe just toned down a little. After the Grunge phase is over, what's next? The 70s? The 20s? Or will we start wearing
corsets and other 19th century garments? It's time to think of something new! The 2000s cannot just be a mishmash of previous times, we need something to call our own, other than Twitter. But it's easier said than done, when thinking of futuristic fashion of the new millennium, Ziggy Stardust from the 70s and Blade Runner from the 80s come to mind.

            The winter of 2012-2013 could be defined by clean, simple cuts and organic colours. To find that peace and harmony amidst the chaos of Christmas shopping and exam stress, choose streamlined wear that calms the mind, instead of bombarding yourself with over the top, flamboyant 80s dress, or with layers after layers of 90s band tees. Think of designers like Acne and CĂ©line, and high street fashions from Zara and Cos. Exactly like an organized bedroom can soothe the soul, your wardrobe could do the same. This winter is about comfortable, yet tailored jackets and menswear inspired, but floaty dress shirts. For that always needed holiday season party dress, opt for simple colours that can be dressed up with an interesting pair of heels, or a funky hairdo. However, if you don't find your inner zen through this seasons fashions, you can always go to yoga instead.

 Acne A/W 2012

Celine A/W 2012

Celine A/W 2012

Cos A/W 2012

Zara A/W 2012

Emmi Makiharju

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Cheap, and proud of it!

After reading Annie's blog 'Bargain hunting' I was inspired to write my own article. Contrary to Annie, I would consider myself as being one of those people who possess the 'bargain eye' (that is having the knack of finding bargains). I do believe it has saved me a lot of money in the past and as a result I have a wardrobe full of cheap but very cheerful delights and even have spare cash leftover.

Most of my 'skill' has sprung from outings to local car boot sales as a child where I used to get secondhand Barbies. Though I felt a little awkward admitting to my vintage buys at a young age, I have no problems in doing so now. In fact I am very proud to admit my scrimping ways. Buying second hand things is perfectly acceptable, for a better reason it is eco friendly!

The car boot sale opened my eyes to all the different, strange and wonderful things people decide to let go of. I have found that 'one's garbage' really is another person's treasure, i.e mine. If you are like me then you will seek long and hard for that great buy. However these buys are always like diamonds in the dust. You must first see the beauty beyond a dusty pair of heels, squint at it a bit and polish. Once you find your happy bargain don't be surprised if the item becomes a staple in your wardrobe.

The same idea can be applied to charity shop hunting. Here are my helpful hints on how to spot a great buy:

  • Law of attraction – This genuinely worked for me! I was thinking about how much I wanted a nice pair of subtle vintage cowboy boots, and lo and behold the next charity shop I visited, there was a lovely pair waiting for me.

    Grey suede boots - 50p!

  • Patience – Give yourself enough time to go rummaging around, as the more you rush, the more likely you will miss out on that golden item. Be prepared to spend a your time pushing hangers about to get to the clothes at the very back. Don't skip out on any rail or box! Some of the best stuff lurk at the back in hiding. However if you don't have the time or stamina many charity shops have done all the hard work for you and have their own 'vintage' sections with generally nice things. Check out the charity shops on Rosemount for their vintage sections and Take2 on Union Street.

My favourite bags – 50p & 20p (both car-boot sale)

  • Creativity – I believe it is not what you wear but how you wear it that transforms someone from wearing clothes to looking stylish, and in order to do so you need to have good judgement and imagination. Ask yourself, what could I do with this 'granny looking' skirt to make it modern and suit me?

 Jewellery – 50p, Skirt – 20p (both car-boot sale)

Lastly I will leave you with a final few reminders...

Believe in your search, you will find that vintage Prada LBD!
Do not be afraid to alter your items,
and remember to accessorise!

Tanya Xu Morrison

Favourite jewellery, all from car-boot sale and charity shops!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Bargain hunting

AUFS is growing strong! With loads of new members, this year will be better than ever. To start off, this is a blog entry by Annie Hughes. Enjoy!

Having just become a fresher at the University of Aberdeen I'm starting to realise that my love for shopping may have to be put on hold for the next couple of months. Having the likes of Topshop and River Island right outside my door is already proving difficult to resist and putting a serious dent into my freshers budget. So, I think I’m going to have a crack at the charity shops...

This fills me with dread. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE vintage clothing - a worn out denim jacket I picked up at a small charity shop back in Northumberland being my staple piece of clothing along with a gorgeous printed scarf that I got in a village yard sale for just a pound. However, even though I’ve picked up some pieces they have been few and far between - it's always other people that find great little buys, never me.
For example my friend, who seems to have a knack for picking up brilliant pieces for small prices, has picked up a vintage wool jumper with fair isle patterns across the front and a faux fur jacket which I envy every time I see her wear it (both costing a bargain 10 pounds.)

I will try harder though. Dragging myself away from the safety net that is Topshop into the unknown charity shop jungle is my first hurdle to cross. After all, Freshers week is a time to step out of the comfort zone that was High School and try new and exciting things. Whether it be talking to a complete stranger or just simply venturing into a charity shop on the hut for the perfect woolly jumper.



Save The Children

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Not one for designers labels, but..

this is a fantastic film by Massy Tadjedin! And I love the haunting music of Zola Jesus. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Aberdeen's First Impressions

AUFS is back! And what better way to sell our society and the whole of Aberdeen to new students than to scare them with this over exaggerated piece of writing. Realize now that nothing I say can be taken seriously, and save yourself from a lot of hassle. 

Accommodation, degree programs, societies, and sports clubs, these are a few of the various things you have to worry about when starting university. You have probably been grilled about at least one of these topics by a close relative or a teacher. The topic discussed in this article is, somewhat controversially, left out of prospectuses and open day talks, even though it grieves most students in a new city. What to wear in the important first few weeks of university is no laughing matter, since adding a fashion faux pa to the already nerve racking experience might just send a new student over the edge. To avoid such mental collapses, a short break down of activities and nights out, and their dress codes might be in order, as well as mentioning the limited shopping possibilities Aberdeen has to offer.

First impressions are key, and depending on which group you are looking to infiltrate, Freshers week is the time to do it. Whether Hollister and Jack Wills are your thing, or you would rather scavenge charity shops for those 90s threads, Aberdeen's shopping scene provides some relief. The before mentioned labels can be found amongst shops, such as AB10 that provide to students with a fuller bank account. If you are a hipster and enjoy the finer things in life, make your way to Attic and Concept for your dose of Carhartt and Diesel. Not leaving out the Ebay generation, Aberdeen's charity shops are surprisingly affordable and you are likely to find real vintage pieces. For the students not willing to dig through bargain baskets or spend a months allowance on an outfit, the ready made fashions of Topshop, H&M and New Look are there waiting for you.

Now that you've got the look, where should you go to show off your style? The beautiful and the dirty rich gather around Tiger Tiger and Coco at Babylon. Here you can meet other genetically gifted students wearing their Sunday best, and don't forget to pose for those baby pink tinted photos. The Pearl Lounge and its clientele, however, live by a philosophy of more is more, where another layer of make-up is always needed, and another round of 70p jagerbombs never hurt anyone. If you want to take your creepers for an outing, Snafu is your best bet. A club full of topknots, Vans and vintage that would make the 80s look tame. Korova is for the tattooed and tough, while Origin is for the chilled out, and if you mix all of these together, you get an average night at Exodus.

Nevertheless, before you take my word on it and stick to one club for the entire year, note that this article was very exaggerated and generalised. Experiment and party while you can first years! 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Style on Campus

Once again, I present the stylish on campus, and an honorary member from the vintage shop Closet!

Don't forget AUFS Vintage Fashion Show Thursday at Tunnels, with clothes from Haggard Case, Hear Art and Closet! 

Cate Brazendale
Cate is wearing Asos and a scarf from Attic. She prefers simple pieces and is inspired by her friends. Her style is constantly changing. She would never wear a woolly poncho!

Lauren Mackay
Lauren stresses that clothes should be comfortable and usually wears skinny jeans and a baggy top. She rarely buys new clothes, but when she does she shops vintage at Closet, where she also works. She would never wear a football strip!

Shelly Lockhart
Shelly would describe her style as Kate Middletonish, with a hint of glamour. She loves Zara and Topshop, and watching Made in Chelsea. Shelly would never wear Timberland or Ugg boots.  

Deividas Kvedaras
It's Deividas' 21st birthday so he dressed in a blazer. He prefers to dress smart most days and he is proud of his beard.  

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Crazy about Haggard Case!

Calling all vintage lovers in Aberdeen! If you want to find a place with more hipsters than granite, this is the event for you. We're talking about the Haggard Case vintage pop-up shop, which appears every first Wednesday of the month in The Atheneum from 8pm till whenever the last Agyness Deyn can stand. What endangers every shoppers' standing however, are the infamous, cheap Mojitos, an irresistible purchase in itself. With the mixture of cocktails and quirky clothing, the atmosphere in this event is always at an all time high. From Levis shorts to sequin jackets, even your plain Jane would go weak at the knees.

This magnificent event was created by an Aberdeen University student Cameron Attfield. With university work and an actual job, how did he manage to create a business on the side? Well, he was bored. During the summer of 2011, Cameron started working on an idea to start an online vintage shop that would host Avon-like parties, where friends could come and buy the cream of the crop items of clothing that were hand-picked by Cameron himself. This idea leapt up, and grew arms and legs until in September of 2011, The Atheneum gave him a venue to host his party. Armed with a “Haggard Case” full of vintage clothing in the one hand and his guts in the other, the night was a success to say the least, and that propelled him to continue on into 2012.

Personally, we think his idea is ingenuous, as he has no competition in Aberdeen, with one vintage shop that sells both men's and women's clothing. Therefore he brings a fresh vibe to the Aberdeen fashion scene. Since the start of the year Edinburgh has also fallen under Haggard Case's spell, and St. Andrews is next in line. And if this isn't enough to get your style vibes pumping, this year Haggard Case is venturing into jewellery and accessories. So if going full out in a Vintage dress isn't your style why not attempt a broach, or a ring? Personally, we know we will be decked in the stuff as we just cant get enough. Cameron Attfield, we salute you!

Haggard Case's spring and summer stock, along with a new range of vintage boutique items will be on show at the Fashion Society's Fashion Show on the 17th of May. What better way to get inspired than to see the clothes on the catwalk!  

Photos Haggard Case and Heta Mattila

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Style on Campus

This weeks style picks on campus:

Kate Appleby
Inspired by films Changeling and Chicago, and the flattering a-line silhouette. Loves Marilyn Monroe's ultimate glamour. 

Alina Dugnia
Dresses fancy in an out of place way, and shops at ASOS, River Island and Next.

Beccy Endersby
Mixes feminine styles with tougher elements, such as Dr. Martens. Inspired by Alexa Chung.

Hayley Anderson
Inspired by her beloved flatmate Emmi and dreams of being the lead singer of a band. Describes her style as a woodland creature in vintage attire. 

Candy floss and mint

It's spring, even though mother nature does not seem to agree, and pastel colours are dominating the high street. While everyone else is embracing the long awaited return of colours, I try not to suffer from a migraine attack every time I walk into a clothes shop. I guess I'm just not made for summer. Eventually I found a way to brighten up my gloomy wardrobe, and decided to dye my hair. The pastel colours I refuse to wear on my clothes, I wear on my head, whether it is candy floss, lavender or baby blue. This hair revolution started last year with the dip dye trend that provoked opinions of all sorts, some thought it was original and unique, others found it messy and odd. While still trending the dip dye look, it's now popular to dye your whole head, be it with a single shade or the whole rainbow. Resurfacing from the 90s, pastel hair isn't a new phenomena. Celebrities, beyond Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, as well as real-life girls are spotted with this trend, instantly unleashing the sunshine. And why only let girls have all the fun, a baby pink or blue will not make a man any less manly.

To ease yourself into the world of pastel hair, start out with a candy floss or lavender toner that lasts a couple of weeks, and then decide whether to commit or not. Unfortunately, for dark tresses bleach is a must before any light colour will stick. For the fearless, try a turquoise or blue dye, or mix a few together. Instant new summery look guaranteed! I'm considering mint next.

Photos via Tumblr and Fashion Grunge blog

Monday, 12 March 2012

London Fashion Weekend!!!

It is that time of year again when the beautiful people crawl out of the coolest nightclubs and into our limelight, the time of year when you wait with baited breath to find out about the new beauty ritual and the time of year to figure out which “it” outfit to choose for this upcoming season. Yes, it is a lot of work, but its London Fashion Week, this work is fun. Trust me.

The anticipation before the show starts!!!!
Trust me? Why? Well this year I actually went. Okay, not to the full fashion week; as much as I wish, I am not a fashion buyer/socialite; but as a member of the public I am allowed into Somerset House at the weekend to the next best thing- London Fashion Weekend. This is an event that comes with a Catwalk, designer stores at 70% off, a Holly Fulton designed show bag filled with beauty goodies and many talks from the industries finest such as Georgia Collins, deputy beauty editor of Elle Magazine and Premier Models.

Prim Rose Chic
Bubbly, funny and dressed in this season metallic, Zoe Hardman presented the catwalk show. This show displayed two of spring/summer trends for the season, Prim Rose- the 50’s inspired and pastel girly wear- and Game On- the athletic chic, where its cool to wear heels with your shorts. Now, I know what you’re thinking, what about the finest fashions for this Autumn/Winter. Well, there was a quick taster of what is to come with designers Antipodium and Jasper Conran’s collections.

And if you think this wasn’t excitement enough for a fashion lover like me, there was literally fashion royalty in the crowd- Hillary Alexander- who made an inspirational speech reminding us all to wear what we are comfortable in and that we should not simply conform.

Now, the stores were to die for. You could've got a hair cut from Tony and Guy at an amazingly discounted price, your eyebrows done at the Benefit counter and Westwood clothes at 70% off. If I were rich, I know where I’d buy my clothes. 

Not just female fashion!
The stores, however, weren’t just aimed at women; there was a man section too- always a bonus for customers like me who has dragged along their other half! This section must have been good too because he didn’t complain once and trust me, I was there ALL day. 

A good thing too because if I hadn’t stayed there longer I wouldn’t have got to meet one of my Idols- Georgia Collins- who gave a talk on behalf of Elle Magazine (aka. the Bible) about the new beauty trends for this season. I would attempt to recite this talk back to you now but frankly it deserves an article in its own right.

And finally, I must tell you about the show bag: designed by Holly Fulton it was infested with great beauty buys, such as Elizabeth Arden’s infamous eight hour cream, Label M protein spray, Impress fake nails, a Tony and Guy gift card, Kleenex eye make-up remover wipes and a bar of Galaxy chocolate. Taking this bag home was the perfect way to take back a bit of my experience. It is safe to say I am now going to be a regular at this event, I hope to see you there next year.

Jasper Conran, A/W Collections

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

More For Men!

Why is it that a stylish man is almost a taboo? If you are one, you're not supposed to flaunt it, someone might think you're gay, for christ sake. If you are not one, you're a proper lad. Many guys either take the piss out of themselves or get the piss taken out of them for caring about their appearance. And by stylish, I don't mean ill fitting suits on lads nights out. Choosing to dress a bit differently is okay for girls, but frowned upon for guys. 

It's not all bad though! Men are getting more attention on the catwalks, as well as on the streets. It's no longer just pretty girls in quirky clothes, guys are finally getting their spotlight back. The idea of mens wear being boring is history, since there are so many different styles to go for and so many different options for a suit. The Sartorialist's Scott Schuman is a genius when it comes to picking apart an outfit and its details. For a classic, simple style, he's your man. For a more younger look, I'd recommend blogs like The Urban Gentleman and Grungy Gentleman. Usually the best styles are on the streets though, and Street Peeper and The Style Scout are the original street style blogs. 

I get most of my inspiration from men and the air that they carry themselves. I wish I was as cool as Bradley Soileau or Michael Pitt! Alas, the hottest of the hottest: 

Photos via Prada, Hel-Looks, The Locals, Street Peeper, Tumblr

Monday, 20 February 2012

And the jokes on everyone!

Without any effort the miracle has happened.
It required not a single piece of  thought, or any great scheming and planning.
It just happened.
It is clear sign of the fact that when you do your thing it will be rewarded, even if you would not really care.
I have been doing my thing for years and now I get to laugh…just a bit.
What I am talking about?
The fact that colours and all kinds of crazy patterns are now, for a while at least, in fashion.
And what does it mean to me.
It means that all my funky colours and my crazy prints, that have made my friends laugh for years, are by an accident fashionable!
This suits perfectly to the random fact that I write to the fashion society’s blog.
I would never use the following in a blog text but this accidental hilariousness of the situation demands it.
I can not say anything else than -

Here are some examples of what is coming, so prepare for headaches from the craziest colour combinations ever.