Aberdeen Uni's Fashion Society for the style savvy student. Don't let the name fool you, we are not 6 foot and read Vogue like the Bible. We like to stay on top of the latest trends in music, art, design and fashion. It's our mission to make Aberdeen just that little bit more fun!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Channel Your Inner Zen

The 21st century is boring. If you think about it, there is nothing new and original to this century. We model the styles of previous decades, we admire the 50s surfer sound of a new indie band, and we wish we were partying it like it was 1999. How will we remember the days of our youth when we are old?

            Fashion comes and goes in circles, this is not exactly news. Everybody loved the manic 80s during the 80s, and hated it in the 90s. Yet, come the 2000s, skinny jeans and shoulder pads were in again. The same thing is happening with Grunge, maybe just toned down a little. After the Grunge phase is over, what's next? The 70s? The 20s? Or will we start wearing
corsets and other 19th century garments? It's time to think of something new! The 2000s cannot just be a mishmash of previous times, we need something to call our own, other than Twitter. But it's easier said than done, when thinking of futuristic fashion of the new millennium, Ziggy Stardust from the 70s and Blade Runner from the 80s come to mind.

            The winter of 2012-2013 could be defined by clean, simple cuts and organic colours. To find that peace and harmony amidst the chaos of Christmas shopping and exam stress, choose streamlined wear that calms the mind, instead of bombarding yourself with over the top, flamboyant 80s dress, or with layers after layers of 90s band tees. Think of designers like Acne and Céline, and high street fashions from Zara and Cos. Exactly like an organized bedroom can soothe the soul, your wardrobe could do the same. This winter is about comfortable, yet tailored jackets and menswear inspired, but floaty dress shirts. For that always needed holiday season party dress, opt for simple colours that can be dressed up with an interesting pair of heels, or a funky hairdo. However, if you don't find your inner zen through this seasons fashions, you can always go to yoga instead.

 Acne A/W 2012

Celine A/W 2012

Celine A/W 2012

Cos A/W 2012

Zara A/W 2012

Emmi Makiharju


  1. Wicked post! I definitely need to find my zen. although, you could see the likes of Cos and Celine as being quite heavily influenced by Calvin Klein & 90s minimalism, just as other designers use the 20s or 80s or whatever as a jumping off point. x

  2. Thanks Jess! Very true, nothing is original at this point! We need another Diana Vreeland to save the world of fashion haha! X

  3. I like this post ♥ Claudia and me are going to work on the next home! Hope it will turn out just as good x
    ps: we need to make more advertisement for the blog if you know what I mean haha! I need followers >.< ;D
