Aberdeen Uni's Fashion Society for the style savvy student. Don't let the name fool you, we are not 6 foot and read Vogue like the Bible. We like to stay on top of the latest trends in music, art, design and fashion. It's our mission to make Aberdeen just that little bit more fun!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Capturing Dreams

Recently AUFS visited the exhibition, Selling Dreams: 100 Years of Fashion Photography, at the Aberdeen Art Gallery. The inspirational collection of photos taken throughout the 20th and 21st centuries included images from a range of photographers or legends such as Edward Steichen, David Bailey, and Corinne Day. Stepping away from your basic fashion photography, the exhibition blurred the barriers between commercial photography and fine art, which made me think back to my favourite photographers. I thought I'd share a few of my heroes with you.

Sam Hessamian

I love the honesty in his work. He doesn't aim for pretty, even though working in fashion, but for a striking image that stands its ground. He started out in film school with cinematography, which is, in my opinion, evident in his work. Every picture seems to have a story behind it and I especially love the sense of movement that some of his shots capture. It's extremely difficult to choose only a few shots, so do visit his website for more!

photos via www.samhessamian.com

Ryan McGinley

Ryan McGinley is famous for his youth culture inspired photography, often shooting young men and women nude. I am actually speechless when looking through his work, so I'll just let the images speak for themselves. If you haven't already heard of him, it's about time you venture on to his website!

photos via www.ryanmcginley.com

Michael Lavine

Last but not least, Michael Lavine is my all time favourite portrait photographer. Maybe it's the 90s, but he seems to capture the very essence of youth, in all its rebellious glory. I bought his book Grunge a few years back and it still rests on my nightstand, but never gathering dust. There's something about his black and white photography, and the confidence that seeps through the image that keeps me coming back. Here's his website, I demand you have a look! 

photos via http://www.boston.com/ae/music/gallery/grunge?pg=11

- Emmi Makiharju

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